Laundry Bags

Laundry Bags

For the majority of people, clothes are not disposable; instead, they must be washed once they become dirty or smelly. While leaving the dirty clothes to be washed in a pile on the floor is certainly an option, most people opt to put them in some sort of laundry hamper or bag. This keeps the laundry organized until you’re ready to wash it, and it makes it easy to move the laundry from one room to another or to the laundromat.

What are differences between a laundry bag, hamper, or basket?

A laundry bag is usually made out of either mesh or canvas and often features a drawstring or other closure. Laundry hampers and baskets are generally made out of plastic although there are some decorative hampers that are made out of wood or wicker.

Are there different types or styles of laundry bags?

Laundry bags for laundry vary in material, size, shape, and additional features.

  • Material: The most popular bags for laundry are either mesh or canvas because these fabrics allow dirty clothes to breathe, thus minimizing mildew. However, there are also vinyl, cotton, and even knitted or crocheted laundry bags. These materials allow the bag to take up less storage space than a hamper and to collapse or fold flat to store when it is no longer needed.
  • Size: A laundry bag can come in various sizes. A large bag can hold a full load of laundry, allowing for easy transport to the laundry room or laundromat. Smaller bags are available that can hold a small load of laundry, be used to wash delicates, such as lingerie, or keep socks together.
  • Shape: Most bags are a variation of the traditional drawstring type. However, there are more utilitarian models as well. For example, one that is shaped like a backpack is easy to carry and has compartments for detergent and dryer sheets. Or, a laundry sorter has two or three removable bags allows for pre-sorting to save time.
  • Additional features: Some go above and beyond the norm. Additional features include wheels for easier transport, a zipper at the bottom for easy unloading, hooks to keep the bag up and off the floor, portable sorters for travel, and spring-loaded models that fold down flat to store easily.

Why should I wash my delicates and lingerie in a mesh bag?

Mesh bags can help protect your delicates, like lingerie, sweaters, or items with small decorations, by keeping them from snagging on other articles of clothing. Snags can cause damage to the delicates as well as damage to the other clothes in the wash.

What are some good reasons to use a laundry sorter?

  • It saves time. It takes the same amount of time and effort to sort the laundry as it goes into a sorter as it does to put it in a communal basket.
  • Laundry doesn’t pile up as much. With sorters, a full bag very often equals a full load of laundry, so it’s easy to see when it’s time to throw a load in the washer.
  • Children can help. Sorters generally use removable bags, which are easier for children to carry. Hampers can be big, bulky, and awkward for children to transport to the laundry room.